Thursday, February 10, 2011

Calling All Horse Chicks!

Hello fellow horse chicks (and guys)!

Join me as I share my experiences, observations and adventures. I will be discussing tips, horse training techniques, business sense in the horse world and the fun that can be had while working with horses, among other things.  I have many things to share with you to make your horse experiences that much better, whether you are just starting out or have been in the horse world for a while. The one thing I know to be true is that you never stop learning and can learn from many unexpected places. I have learned to look at things from many perspectives thanks to my years of teaching wonderful students from all walks of life. I cannot forget all the horses that have taught me so much. Each one has a unique personality and lesson to teach to their humans.

Here are some horses I have had the pleasure to work with.

This is me with my horse Pretty Vegas. He was just starting to learn to jump. He is a powerful horse! You'll be hearing a lot about Vegas on this blog!

This is Kit Star Polo. My first horse! She taught me so much about horses and helped me develop my horsemanship. I miss her everyday. June 21, 1981 to February 1, 2010.

This is Nadilla. I spent a week on her back up in the Chilcotin Mountains. She was very sturdy and taught me to let go of the reins and let her do the work. I owe her for keeping me safe!

This is Dart. Dart is one in a million and worth his weight in gold. He was a trusty school horse. I once had a student that tried every week to put her saddle on and every time I came to check it was always on backwards. Poor Dart. He would always calmly stand and wait for someone to come help out. He even took a blind child on a trail ride. Horses like Dart touch many hearts.

I look forward to this journey with you. Please feel free to leave comments. I look forward to hearing from you.
