Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Barn Cats

One day we were out cleaning the hay loft out and my old mare thought it was the greatest thing to eat the piles of loose hay we were throwing down and cleaning up. Well as she ate our cat Milo (who was about 6 months or so) decided that Kit looked pretty comfy and decided to take a nap on her back. Milo is the type of cat that is bad for the sake of being bad!! My dad calls him the "Keith Richards of cats" because he is unapologetically bad!

Spring is here and so are the mice and other "unmentionable" rodents. Barn cats are an important part of any barn. I have never been to any barn that did not have at least one cat. If cats are around the rodents are not, and for someone like me who will jump on the highest thing around, this is a good thing.

I have found that you CAN and SHOULD still feed your barn cats. I have never had a problem with feeding a cat and not having them go after the mice. The hunter aspect is an integral part of the cats being. It naturally wants to and will hunt the mice.

I would much rather look at a cat than a mouse.

 (Credit: Google Images)

I am grossed out just by looking at a picture of a mouse, the real thing, well nobody wants to see that. Mice carry diseases and can get into your feed supply.

Barn cats still need to be neutered or spayed. Kittens add up quickly and males tend to leave without being neutered to stake out territory and breed. Cats need rabies shots and deworming just like horses. Your regular large animal vet will be able to give your cats shots too if you just let them know. You do not want diseases running through your barn!

Say no to Mice and yes to Cats!

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